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My websites are a passion - but they aren't my profession. I'm not a professional trainer or "guru." I'm just a guy that was fit and healthy, then wasn't, then is again. I feel compelled to help people like me find their more fit selves.
Are you like me? I think you probably are. I'm a lucky husband. I'm a fortunate father. I drive my oldest son to school each morning, wading deep into the sea of traffic as a wind my way to my office. I sit behind a desk and in front of a computer for most of the day, working with another passion of mine - data, analytics and process design (more on this in a bit).
At the end of the day, I pick my yougest son up from day care after a little more time in traffic (It often seems that I spend more time in my car than I do anywhere else) When I get home, my two dogs are excited to meet me and my youngest. Then it's play time wit the boys and dogs.
With all that's going on, it's hard to find any time at all to train and exercise. It's hard to eat right. Add in working on my websites, and when do I have time to re-energize? It's a very difficult balancing act.
Sound familiar?
Well, I'm a lot like you. I'm just a regular guy. I work at a very large company and spend a fair amount of time in traffic each day. I'm married to my college sweetheart. We have two small boys and two large dogs. And in 2003, I tipped the scales at over 300 pounds. I owned a 44 inch waist. I weighed 110 pounds more than I when I played college baseball!
After the 300 pound weigh in, I knew something had to change. I couldn't make excuses any longer. Listen. I strongly believe if you work hard on the right things, you can accomplish anything. But what were the right things?
In college I learned how to create small websites. I took that knowlege and created a small site to document the things about building muscle and burning fat that I failed to remember post graduation.
The decision to start that site changed my life in more ways than one.
On that slice of the web, I looked at my own personal trials with fat loss. I combined that with the info I learned through my years as an athlete. And then I layered on my business knowledge to ultimately transform the way I looked. I realized that if I managed my body the way the most successful companies managed their bottom lines - with data, analytics and process design - then I could transform my body.
Over the course of the next 6 months I shed 97 pounds.
What happened next really blew me away. I don't know what I thought would happen. But I never imagined anyone would find my site (or care). But as my thoughts morphed, people started to find me. At first a few people emailed to say they liked my site. Then a flood. And it scared me a little. I never wanted to be an "inspiration." I just wanted to organize my brain. I even thought about taking the site down.
But I felt a calling... Why not help people like me? After all, you want to know that you can do it too. You want to hear it from someone who's been there and done it. From someone who has a real life, not some jacked up "guru" who has the luxury of living in a gym.
I knew it'd be a lot of work. But again, I knew that if you work hard on the right things, good things will happen. So I accepted that challenge.
In 2006 I moved the site from a free domain to Build-Muscle-and-Burn-Fat.com. It was here that Middle Management® really took shape.
As that site continued to grow in popularity, I found myself answering more and more questions about how to use Middle Management techniques to get six pack abs. It's a more advanced topic than merely burning fat, for sure. So I decided to "spin off" a site to specifically talk about getting amazing six pack abs.
Even though this is the " about me" page, this site isn't about me at all.
It's about you.
I want to help YOU reach YOUR fitness goals. To get the ripped midsection that you want. And I want to help you by using quality data, process design and facts... by helping you to realize that "Your Abs ARE Your Business!™"
Middle Management® continues to morph and grow. As it does, so does AmazingSixPackAbs.com. As a result I'm continuing to develop the business side of Middle Management®.
But there is one thing I can promise you. This site - AmazingSixPackAbs.com - will always be a top-of-the-line source for FREE content about getting shredded.
And me? Today I weigh about 215 pounds, depending on whether I am in a muscle building or fat burning phase. I've recently taken up running and I'll soon start training for a marathon. And of course, I'm chasing those two little boys constantly.
I try to be as available as possible to all of my readers, so feel free to reach out. While I can't promise you that I will answer every email (or tweet), I do read each and every one of them...
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